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First Open Digital Competition
A gallery of all the entries

Let your thoughts drift with the tide - Graham Hawarth

Chaffinch -  Naomi Stolow

Feeding time - Naomi Stolow


Brick Wall Defence - Pete Forster

Colourful Autumn Leaves - Jackie Ridley

Oia windmills after sunset on the Greek island of Santorini - John Schluter

Poppies in an Austrian field - John Schluter

Vulture on the lookout - Marc Dunlop

Wash day - Nigel West

Pick of the Bunch - Pete Forster

Swanage Old Pier - Ken Holland

Under the Stairs - Ken Holland
Highly commended

A Garden Visitor  - Bob Kent

Dingle Dodgems - Ken Holland

Evening Run - Melanie

Every Picture Tells a Story - Nigel West

Kings Cross repurposed - Jackie Ridley

Rook - Naomi Stolow

The Calm Before The Calm - Keith Guppy

Where is Everybody? - Tony Wilson

Stuck inside - Pete Forster

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