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Week one: Lightroom on the move

Updated: Mar 16

Every day, on holiday, I take upwards of 50 photographs, sometimes a lot ‘upwards of 50 photographs’.  Some people take thousands!

My backing up woes

Over the years, I have tried various solutions to backing up the images onto USB sticks, SD cards and on my ipad or phone. None have been particularly successful and I have never been able to organise the photos satisfactorily or to delete those I really didn’t like. 

Until now … I hope.. I think i have found a solution! 

From Lightroom Classic to Lightroom Cloud

I currently subscribe to Lightroom Classic and Photoshop (£9.98 pcm) and I use them every day. So, in my head, that’s 33p per day and well worth the investment.  

With the Lightroom Cloud package come a number of other programs including the mobile version of Lightroom.. and this offers me the possibility of editing and deleting images on the go, plus uploading my originals to Adobe Cloud. 

Before you sigh loudly and say that you have been doing this ‘forever’ using iphoto or other apps – I know.  But these haven’t played nicely with my desktop, they've had odd file formats and didn’t let me integrate successfully with the images in to my normal filing system.  I like the interface of Lightroom Cloud and it looks to do everything I want it to, including finding files easily using AI search.  It allows me access to my files from anywhere and on all devices.


All this is a long-winded way of saying that I have decided to move from Lightroom Classic to Lightroom Cloud

Have you made the switch or are you thinking about it?

I’d like to hear from you. Are you struggling with the idea? Have you discovered any short-cuts to perfection, and, are there work-arounds to make things operate as you want them to?

I am proposing a small WhatsApp group for club members who are using the version of Lightroom known as Lightroom Cloud (rather than Lightroom Classic) which is designed to be used on tablets, phones as well as desktop computers.  

If enough members want to join, and there is sufficient demand, then there is the possibility of organising a Lightroom on the Go day with expert speakers and hands-on tuition. 

I suspect that this all may prove to be a bit of a challenge, hence this blog.  I intend to write about my experiences, to ask for advice and to generally moan about how things don’t work the way I want them to.  

Watch this space!


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