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Images of summer

Tejas Earp

The first meeting of the Dawlish and Teignmouth Camera Club was a huge success and members returning with great enthusiasm, equipped with a variety of images created over the long Summer Break.

Alison Crowter and Nigel West opened the evening with important announcements and welcoming both old and the new members. Lesley Cooper Treasurer and Social co-ordinator had everyone thinking ahead to Christmas. Denise Searle has worked on the publicity and co-ordinated weekly articles for the Dawlish Gazette with great success.

The images were critiqued, constructive comments accepted and overall a wonderful melange of social interaction took place over the evening.

We want to encourage people to join our club and not feel intimidated by technology.

Members help and encourage each other around all aspects of enjoying and making photography a fun hobby or stepping up a level to becoming a creative passion.

"When people ask me what equipment I use: I tell them 'My Eyes!'


"What makes Photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time"

John Berger

Remember that first two sessions are free for anyone wishing to join the club.

Information is available at

Dawlish and Teignmouth Camera Club images of summer, the first evening

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