Love it or loathe it, there is no doubt that the work of Barry Mead FRPS was a talking point for Dawlish & Teignmouth Photographic Club this week.
Barry is aware that the images he produces are not to all tastes, and was happy to give a zoom presentation to the club, leaving members marvelling at his skill and imagination.
His images are exhibited around the world earning him numerous awards.
His opening photo showed two baboons driving a car in the desert, a hint on what was to follow - a medley of surreal, fantastical composites, produced using multiple images and blending them together using a photo editing programme to produce the final desired result.
During the second half Barry answered many questions by giving a step by step demonstration on screen, explaining his thought process and choice of images to produce something amazingly different.
A fascinating evening leaving members with plenty of food for thought.
All are welcome at Dawlish & Teignmouth Photographic Club