It was the turn of Dawlish & Teignmouth Photographic Club to host the South Devon Photographic Leagues Competition on Wednesday evening.
Welcoming members from Exmouth and Newton Abbot clubs, the annual event showcases some of the best prints from each club.
The standard was high, the completion fierce, giving judge Pedro Landers quite a challenge.
Pedro, a member of Tavistock and Launceston clubs critiqued each print, assessing the merits, quality of printing, paper and the way each one was mounted and presented.
Dramatic black and white images competed with spectacular landscapes, seascapes, capturing the movement of the waves against the shore, sporting action, still life, architecture, and well caught pictures of wildlife, including birds in flight and in their natural environment.
After much deliberation the results were:
First; Dinorwic quarry by Ian Bateman , Exmouth
Second; Female polar bear with cub, Christopher Marsham, Newton Abbot
Third; Balletic art, Christopher Marsham, Newton Abbot
The winning club for the evening was Exmouth with Dawlish & Teignmouth second and Newton Abbot third.