With typical enthusiasm, three accomplished members of Dawlish & Teignmouth
Photographic Club gave presentations on their favourite photographers and how they
were influenced by them.
Brassai was the choice of Nigel West. Born in Hungary in 1899. he moved to Paris in 1224, working first as a journalist before taking up photography. He was fascinated by the streets of Paris, particularly at night, when rain and fog resulted in atmospheric black and white images, the low light creating challenges in the days before digital cameras. He also enjoyed the cafes and clubs, using the camera lens to capture the Parisian night life and dancers.
Tejas Earp followed , talking about Steve Mc Curry, an American photographer who shot to fame in 1984 with his iconic image of The Afghan girl, which appeared on the front cover of the National Geographic magazine - a haunting picture taken in a refugee camp at Peshawar on the Afghanistan Pakistan border, symbolising war and displacement, the eyes telling thir own sad story. As a photojournalist Mc Curry travelled afar, Rajasthan, Myanmar. India, and Tibet, producing wonderful images, in often disturbing circumstances.
Tejas showed some of her own photographs, emulating his style, taken during visits to Vietnam and Myanmar and other far flung locations.
Ken Holland chose Elliot Erwitt, born in Paris in 1928 and spending his childhood in
Milan, before emigrating to the US in 1939. A specialist in candid street photography,
capturing people in ironic, absurd and often humorous situations, all in black and white.
To round off the evening Ken showed images taken with his discerning eye, around
Teignmouth - of yellow fishes, painted on pavements near to drains leading to the sea,
highlighting the fact that pollutants such as cooking oil and chemicals all end up in the
sea, a clear message to us all to take care of our environment.