Hello again everybody,
Just when you thought you’d got away with it, along comes yet another newsletter.
On our way back to some form of new normal…
Last Wednesday evening saw the welcome start of our new season. Over 20 people joined us for the Zoom evening, including three new faces, who will hopefully become three new members. As we get back into full swing, and especially when we return to the Village Hall, no doubt more will be joining us each Wednesday evening.
For our first outing of the new season, members of the committee gave the back stories to a selection of their images, and what a varied selection of images and genres they were, ranging from land- and seascapes to portraits to macro to ICM and far beyond, and included one or two which could genuinely only be described as downright weird... all of which proves that the tastes of the folks on your Committee are almost as wide and varied as those of the whole membership! Soon it will be the turn of others to offer to show their work…and we look forward very much to such evenings. For those of you who missed the event, or would like to have another look, here is the recording.
We continue on Wednesday evening, in Zoom vein once again, with our very own Ken Holland’s talk, “Looking at Photographs”, about which more later.
A few reminders
(1) Membership Subscriptions
Subs are trickling in, but on behalf of the Committee, I’m sorry to have to nag you - we do need more of your subs, and ideally, before the end of September. Here once again are the details:
£40 for the year. Please pay by BACS transfer online. Please get in touch for our bank details using our Contact Form.
(2) Nominations for Vice Chair and Programme Secretary (Please re-read last week’s newsletter.)
It is genuinely the case that the club can only continue beyond May 2022 if someone steps forward for election to a position from which they could move the club onwards, building on the gargantuan efforts over the past few years of Naomi and Nigel. Similarly, we urgently need somebody to be involved with developing next year’s programme. It is essential that those people who take on these roles join the committee very soon, in order to discover what is involved. Please speak with Naomi or Nigel if you want to know more, and re-read last week’s newsletter for more information. Our next Committee meeting is in early October, but realistically we would like the new roles to be filled in time to join our following Committee meeting on November 1st.
Latest News - newsletters to feature on the website!
With the new season upon us, we have decided to find a space on the website to accommodate the weekly newsletters, so that members can easily access them and refer back if necessary. But panic ye not…they will also continue to be sent to your inbox as a regular, separate item to pester you with each and every week!
Our first Open Competition- is now OPEN!!! - A message from Bob Kethro
PhotoEntry is now open for our first competition of the season, and can be reached on the website or by visiting the PhotoEntry website. The closing date is October 6th, and members may submit a maximum of three images, in any combination of colour or monochrome. Please also give your preferences for the images: 1st, 2nd or 3rd.
Frome & Wessex Camera Club’s Camera & Photographic Collectors’ Fair
This fair is being held on Sunday October 17th, and more details can be seen from on the Frome & Wessex Camera Club website (scroll down a couple of sections once you open the link and you will soon find it). Alternatively, attached to this newsletter is their flyer, in case anyone would like to make the trip to Frome.
This Wednesday evening, 29th September (via Zoom)
From the comfort of his own home, Ken Holland will be giving his talk, “Looking at Photographs”. Ken’s talk will centre around his personal approach to analysing and enjoying photographs, and will contain many of his own updated images alongside many inspirational quotes. The talk will raise more questions than answers and will doubtless encourage discussion. One of many to look forward to!
The link details for Ken's talk are as follows:
Topic: Camera Club 21/22, Time: Sep 29, 2021 19:30
Meeting ID: 844 6791 4679
Passcode: 181104
And, with the Frome & Wessex Camera Club flyer attached, that brings us to the end of another brief epistle. Hoping to see many of you again on Wednesday evening.
Naomi, Nigel & Rob